Saturday, June 28, 2008

Superstar Kids Curriculum

We know the first five years of childhood are the most important in a child’s development and learning. The curriculum we use for the 3-year olds and up is The Creative Curriculum. The Creative Curriculum for Preschool is a comprehensive early childhood educational system that has been shown to promote the cognitive, language, social/emotional, and physical development of young children. We also use The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers & Twos for our 1- and 2- year old classes.
The Creative Curriculum balances both teacher-directed and child-initiated learning, with an emphasis on responding to children's learning styles and building on their strengths and interests. This one of the country's leading research-based preschool curriculum that applies the latest theory and research on best practices in teaching and learning and the content standards developed by states and professional organizations. The Creative Curriculum for Preschool clearly defines the teacher's vital role in connecting content, teaching, and learning for preschool children.
The Creative Curriculum® for Infants, Toddlers & Twos helps teachers appreciate and find joy in the everyday discoveries that delight a child--the sound a rattle makes; the leaves blowing in circles by the wind; the ball that unexpectedly rolls across a child's path; the ants marching across the pavement. It is a comprehensive curriculum that helps teachers achieve the very best program for children under three. If the interactions children have are nurturing, consistent, and loving, and the experiences they have are appropriately challenging, then infants, toddlers, and twos grow and flourish. In such an environment, children learn to trust and joyfully explore their surroundings, making discoveries and developing a sense of themselves as competent learners and caring human beings.

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